今天培训说到欧洲的METAR里还有State of the runway这一项,用来表示跑到的污染物状况,如同雪情通告。我想这个东西以前没听说过呀,我猜肯定是欧洲人闲着蛋疼自己搞了一套格式标准。后来发现不是欧洲人蛋疼的,原来在ICAO Annex 3里有建议的:
4.8 Supplementary information Recommendation.— In METAR and SPECI, the following information should be included in the
supplementary information, in accordance with regional air navigation agreement:
a) information on sea-surface temperature and the state of the sea from aeronautical meteorological stations
established on offshore structures in support of helicopter operations; and
b) information on the state of the runway provided by the appropriate airport authority.
Note 1.— The state of the sea is specified in WMO Publication No. 306, Manual on Codes, Volume I.1, Part A —
Alphanumeric Codes, Code Table 3700.
Note 2.— The state of the runway is specified in WMO Publication No. 306, Manual on Codes, Volume I.1, Part A —
Alphanumeric Codes, Code Tables 0366, 0519, 0919 and 1079.
ICAO里的解释不清楚,所以我去找了找WMO Publication No.306:
15.13.6 State of the runway (R Dr Dr Er Cr er er Br Br)<<字母之间应该没空格的,我把他们分开点看得清。 Subject to regional air navigation agreement, information on the state of the runway provided by the appropriate airport authority shall be included. The runway deposits Er, the extent of runway contamination Cr, the depth of deposit er er and the friction coefficient/braking action Br Br shall be indicated in accordance with code tables 0919, 0519,1079 and 0366, respectively. The state of the runway group shall be replaced by the abbreviation SNOCLO when the aerodrome is closed due to extreme deposit of snow. If contaminations on a single runway or on all runways at an aerodrome have ceased to exist, this should be reported by replacing the last six digits of the group by CLRD//.
NOTE: Concerning runway designator Dr Dr, Regulation 15.7.3 applies. Additional code figures 88 and 99 are reported in accordance with the European Air Navigation Plan, FASID, Part III-AOP, Attachment A.
WMO的东西我是没兴趣看下去,全是讲报文格式的,而且越看越糊涂,最终找到了英国民航局的一个文件CAP746 《Meteorological Observations at Aerodromes》第12章。文件吧State of the runway说得很清楚,而且有example。
我从没在国内看到过METAR里包含State of the runway的。我看了《MH/T 4016.1 气象报告规则》中的 “补充情报的报告”, 只说到“最近——RE项”,“重要气象项”,“风切变项”就结束了。
其实有没有State of the runway并不重要。在中国这个民航发展中国家,什么事情都要讲国情。我只跪求机场能把雪情通告发清楚,多给机场添置些设备,比如除雪车之类的。不要把精力和钱花在搞关系、喝酒吃饭上。