AIM 5-1-7. Composite Flight Plan (VFR/IFR Flights)
a. Flight plans which specify VFR operation for one portion of a flight, and IFR for another portion, will be accepted by the FSS at the point of departure. If VFR flight is conducted for the first portion of the flight, pilots should report their departure time to the FSS with whom the VFR/IFR flight plan was filed; and, subsequently, close the VFR portion and request ATC clearance from the FSS nearest the point at which change from VFR to IFR is proposed. Regardless of the type facility you are communicating with (FSS, center, or tower), it is the pilot’s responsibility to request that facility to “CLOSE VFR FLIGHT PLAN.” The pilot must remain in VFR weather conditions until operating in accordance with the IFR clearance.

b. When a flight plan indicates IFR for the first portion of flight and VFR for the latter portion, the pilot will normally be cleared to the point at which the change is proposed. After reporting over the clearance limit and not desiring further IFR clearance, the pilot should advise ATC to cancel the IFR portion of the flight plan. Then, the pilot should contact the nearest FSS to activate the VFR portion of the flight plan. If the pilot desires to continue the IFR flight plan beyond the clearance limit, the pilot should contact ATC at least 5 minutes prior to the clearance limit and request further IFR clearance. If the requested clearance is not received prior to reaching the clearance limit fix, the pilot will be expected to enter into a standard holding pattern on the radial or course to the fix unless a holding pattern for the clearance limit fix is depicted on a U.S. Government or commercially produced (meeting FAA requirements) low or high altitude enroute, area or STAR chart. In this case the pilot will hold according to the depicted pattern.

a. 先VFR后IFR的情况下,飞行员要求联系FSS告知起飞时间,然后再转换点联系要求关闭VFR并向ATC申请IFR。不管通过哪种途径,都是飞行员有责任要求关闭VFR。飞行员必须留在VFR的天气标准中,直到申请到IFR。

b. 先IFR后VFR的情况下,飞行员会被放行到转换点,飞行员联系ATC取消IFR部分计划,并联系最近的FSS启动VFR计划。如果飞行员想继续IFR飞行,则飞行员要在IFR结束前5分钟向ATC申请。如果申请没有得到回复则在最后一个点进入标准等待,或者这个点要求的等待方式。

Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)

中国没有交叉跑道,因此我以前从没听说过LAHSO这回事。原来“Land and Hold Short Operations”是指落地后,在交叉跑道前或与滑行道交叉的跑道上等待(如下图),因此可用着陆距离就变短了。


AIM 4-3-11:The pilot-in-command has the final authority to accept or decline any land and hold short clearance. The safety and operation of the aircraft remain the responsibility of the pilot. Pilots are expected to decline a LAHSO clearance if they determine it will compromise safety.


To conduct LAHSO, pilots should become familiar with all available information concerning LAHSO at their destination airport. Pilots should have, readily available, the published ALD and runway slope information for all LAHSO runway combinations at each airport of intended landing. Additionally, knowledge about landing performance data permits the pilot to readily determine that the ALD for the assigned runway is sufficient for safe LAHSO. As part of a pilot’s preflight planning process, pilots should determine if their destination airport has LAHSO. If so, their preflight planning process should include an assessment of which LAHSO combinations would work for them given their aircraft’s required landing distance. Good pilot decision making is knowing in advance whether one can accept a LAHSO clearance if offered.

现在运行中发现的一个机场是YMML,在34号跑道的中间标明了一个LAHSO标志,并在下一页机场信息中写了LAHSO的可用落地距离,和灯光说明:“Hold short lights Rwy34”见图:





国外:FAA的Aviation Weather Services, Advisory Circular 00-45中有For aviation purposes, the ceiling is defined as the height (AGL) of the lowest broken or overcast layer aloft or vertical visibility into an obscuration.

同时,浦东机场某跑道(具体哪个我记不清了)RVR 1000M(够标准),浦东机场通波中报告浦东实施二类标准(因为低云)。此时,签派给正在近进浦东机场的航班机组的建议应该是什么?


根据:CCAR121部:第121.667 条  仪表飞行规则的起飞和着陆最低标准:除本条(d)款规定外,飞机不得飞越最后进近定位点继续进近,或者在不使用最后进近定位点的机场,进入仪表进近程序的最后进近航段,除非由局方批准的系统为该机场发布了最新的天气报告,报告该机场的能见度等于或者高于仪表进近程序规定的能见度最低标准。

就是说,目前RVR1000米 大于 RVR550米(假设标准就是550米),由于121.667只有对能见度的规定,没有对云高的要求。因此可以继续近进。就算气象报文中的RVR低于550米,则可以根据121.671得到塔台的口头报告的能见度,只要塔台的口头能见度、RVR大于标准,则机组也可以继续近进至决断高,此条也没有对云高有要求。

根据:CCAR121部:第121.671条  报告的最低天气条件的适用性:在按照本规则第 121.665条至第 121.669条实施运行时,最新天气报告正文中的云高和能见度值用于控制机场所有跑道上的目视飞行规则和仪表飞行规则起飞、着陆和仪表进近程序。然而,如果最新天气报告,包括从管制塔台发出的口头报告,含有针对机场某一特定跑道的跑道能见度或者跑道视程等数值,这些特定值用于控制该跑道的目视飞行规则和仪表飞行规则着陆、起飞和仪表直接进近。

参考:FAR121部:121.655 Applicability of reported weather minimums:In conducting operations under §§121.649 through 121.653, the ceiling and visibility values in the main body of the latest weather report control for VFR and IFR takeoffs and landings and for instrument approach procedures on all runways of an airport. However, if the latest weather report, including an oral report from the control tower, contains a visibility value specified as runway visibility or runway visual range for a particular runway of an airport, that specified value controls for VFR and IFR landings and takeoffs and straight-in instrument approaches for that runway.





根据CCAR121部:第121.633条  仪表飞行规则的签派或者放行:除本规则第 121.635 条规定外,按照仪表飞行规则签派或者放行飞机飞行前,应当确认相应的天气实况报告、预报或者两者的组合,表明在签派或者放行单中所列的每个机场的天气条件,在飞机预计到达时处于或者高于经批准的最低标准,否则,不得签派或者放行飞机按照仪表飞行规则飞行。







根据FAR 121部:121.613   Dispatch or flight release under IFR or over the top:Except as provided in §121.615, no person may dispatch or release an aircraft for operations under IFR or over-the-top, unless appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination thereof, indicate that the weather conditions will be at or above the authorized minimums at the estimated time of arrival at the airport or airports to which dispatched or released.(和CCAR 121.663没有区别)


根据FAR91部第3条:Ceiling means the minimum ceiling, expressed in feet above the airport elevation, required for takeoff or required for designating an airport as an alternate airport.

以上这句话明确表明了,Ceiling云高,只是required for起飞和选择备降场。没有required for目的地机场着陆。可是这句话我在CCAR里找不到。

2.其次我在看jeppesen航图时,近进图中有时会出现一个黑底白字的”Ceiling Required”,表明这张图是有云高要求的。我看东南亚的机场都有这个”Ceiling Required”,但是我国的机场没有。是不是意味着国内机场都没有云高要求?



