密码保护:NTSB 830
密码保护:Part 121 Subpart U Dispatch & Flight Release Rules
密码保护:Part 121 Subpart T – Flight Operations
密码保护:Part 121 Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Operations
密码保护:119.7 Operations Specifications (OPSPECS)
密码保护:Part 110 General Requirements
密码保护:Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
密码保护:Part 65 Subpart C
密码保护:FAR Part 1 – Defintions & Abbreviations
磁差的纠结West is Best, East is least
These rules are often combined with the mnemonic “West is Best, East is least”; that is to say, add W declinations when going True headings to Magnetic Compass, and subtract E ones.
True to Mag, West is Best.
密码保护:EOC 104 Test Results
Sometimes, there are 2 ILS/DME approachs on opposite ends of a runway, with 2 different ILS frequencys, but with same DME (a DME arc). 在计算备降标准时,算作一套设备还是两套设备?
The determination of whether it is two different navaids is based upon the primary component of the approach in question. The DME is not considered primary, but rather the localizer would be what this is based on. So as long as it’s two different localizers, then it’s fine.