前几天被一个朋友问起AYPY机场里的进场图有一张名叫DME or GNSS Arrivals的图。我以前没见过这种进场方式。这种方式比较奇怪的是进场图的最下面有个标着Landing的落地标准,看着像目视盘旋,但是又不能肯定。
经过海搜,才发现这是一种土澳特有的进场方式。在澳洲民航局的网站上,有一个叫“Civil Aviation Advisory Publications”的栏目简称CAAP。里面有个178-1号文件,解释了这种进场方式。
Is a DME or GNSS Arrival an NPA?
Yes. A DME or GNSS Arrival is a procedure unique to Australia that provides an NPA to a circling minimum. A DME or GNSS Arrival is designed using the same criteria as used in conventional NPA design.
What is different about a DME or GNSS Arrival?
DME or GNSS Arrivals are normally designed to permit descent from the en-route phase without the need to locate the aircraft overhead the navigation aid or to conduct a sector entry. Entry to the procedure is often available from any direction but commonly is limited to sectors or specific tracks…..
简单说来DME or GNSS Arrivals是向着导航台或GNSS定位点,从多个方向或扇区内飞到机场的目视盘旋区域。图上用DME弧定义了FAF和MAPt点的位置。这样从各个方向上来的飞机就能欢乐地飞往机场,而不需要画进场程序(这么做是不是比较偷懒)。另外,好像DME or GNSS Arrivals进场是没法做导航数据库的(没有航路点你让人家怎么做导航数据)。
最后说说澳洲民航局网站上的“Civil Aviation Advisory Publications” 。这Pub有点像法规的Q&A。
Our Civil Aviation Advisory Publications (CAAPs) provide guidance and explanatory information about the meaning of certain requirements in the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR). They may also describe methods to help you comply with a CAR requirement in a manner that would be acceptable to an authorised person or CASA.