11.15.1 Meteorological Information (MET)/Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) Products.
Data link-supported EFB applications may display approved sources of weather for strat egic/flight planning purposes. Weather and aeronautical information, such as data -linked MET and AIS products, are for advisory use only. These products are intended to enhance situational awareness, but lack the service delivery reliability and updating necessary for tactical maneuvering/use.Do not use data-linked MET and AIS products for making tactical in-flight decisions regarding flight safety when avoiding adverse weather, airspace, or obstacle hazards (e.g., negotiating a path through a weather hazard area).
11.15.2 Graphical Weather Information. Data link graphical weather from sources such as XM radio and next eneration weather radar (NEXRAD) may be from approved sources of advisory weather information and can only be used for strat egic/flight planning purposes. Do not use data link graphical weather information for tactical decisions because data quality is uncontrolled for aviation use. Do not use data link graphical weather data as a substitute for airborne weather radar or thunderstorm detection equipment.