
昨天,有位同事提醒我,他发现万州机场11号跑道的RNP APCH程序有个高温限制。如图:



Boeing airplanes have uncompensated Baro-VNAV systems and are prohibited from using LNAV/VNAV minima on approach charts when operating outside of published temperature restriction limits. However, if cold temperature altitude corrections are applied as described in the Cold Temperature Operations Supplementary Procedures chapter of the FCOM, descent to the corrected LNAV (MDA) minima is allowed. There is no procedure for hot temperature corrections.




FAA发布过一个《Cold Temperature Restricted Airports》。文中提供了一个快速修正的表格,以及修正的例子:

For RNAV (GPS) approaches flown to the LNAV/VNAV line of minima using baro-VNAV vertical guidance, determine if there are published uncompensated baro-VNAV temperature limits. If the reported airport temperature is above or below the published limits, do not use the LNAV/VNAV line of minima unless the RNAV system is capable of temperature compensation and the system is active. Use an alternative line of minima (e.g., LNAV). CTRA correction must still be made on this approach if applicable.









第121.561条 发动机不工作时的着陆和报告
第121.712条 定义

1.2 定义
c. 延程运行可选备降机场(Suitable ETOPS Alternate)(CCAR-121部定义的合适机场):对于特定延程运行航线,不考虑当时的临时状况,列入合格证持有人运行规范的可选的航路备降机场。这些机场必须满足CCAR-121.197条规定的着陆限制要求。它可能是下列两种机场之一:。。。。。。。(不要求天气

第121.561条 没变
第121.712条 消失了。。。。。。。。(连定义都没了,怎么办



121.565 Engine inoperative: Landing; reporting.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, whenever an airplane engine fails or whenever an engine is shutdown to prevent possible damage, the pilot in command must land the airplane at the nearest suitable airport, in point of time, at which a safe landing can be made.
121.7 Definitions.
The following definitions apply to those sections of part 121 that apply to ETOPS:
Adequate Airport means an airport that an airplane operator may list with approval from the FAA because that airport meets the landing limitations of §121.197 and is either—

AC 120-42A(已取消)

AC 120-42B

根据以上对比,121R4中定义的合适机场,应该是Adequate Airport。FAA对于合适机场的定义在AC120-42A当中是有的,更新AC120-42B已经消失了,当前的FAR121也没有定义。
借用网上的一段话:“Officially AC 120-42A was cancelled and replaced by 120-42B, they did not transfer the definition of “suitable” airport. So that is why I asked.”




Landing at the Nearest Suitable Airport
“Plan to land at the nearest suitable airport” is a phrase used in the QRH. This section explains the basis for that statement and how it is applied.In a non-normal situation, the pilot-in-command, having the authority and responsibility for operation and safety of the flight, must make the decision to continue the flight as planned or divert. In an emergency situation, this authority may include necessary deviations from any regulation to meet the emergency. In all cases, the pilot-in-command is expected to take a safe course of action.
The QRH assists flight crews in the decision making process by indicating those situations where “landing at the nearest suitable airport” is required. These situations are described in the Checklist Instructions or the individual NNC. The regulations regarding an engine failure are specific. Most regulatory agencies specify that the pilot-in-command of a twin engine airplane that has an engine failure or engine shutdown should land at the nearest suitable airport at which a safe landing can be made.
A suitable airport is defined by the operating authority for the operator based on guidance material but, in general, must have adequate facilities and meet certain minimum weather and field conditions. If required to divert to the nearest suitable airport (twin engine airplanes with an engine failure), the guidance material also typically specifies that the pilot should select the nearest suitable airport “in point of time” or “in terms of time.” In selecting the nearest suitable airport, the pilot-in-command should consider the suitability of nearby airports in terms of facilities and weather and their proximity to the airplane position. The pilot-in-command may determine, based on the nature of the situation and an examination of the relevant factors, that the safest course of action is to divert to a more distant airport than the nearest air port. For example, there is not necessarily a requirement to spiral down to the airport nearest the airplane’s present position if, in the judgment of the pilot-in-command, it would require equal or less time to continue to another nearby airport.
For persistent smoke or a fire which cannot positively be confirmed to be completely extinguished, the safest course of action typically requires the earliest possible descent, landing and evacuation. This may dictate landing at the nearest airport appropriate for the airplane type, rather than at the nearest suitable airport normally used for the route segment where the incident occurs.











