




2.增加了类精密近进的定义(APV) : 定义在《20110419AC-97-FS-2011-01民用航空机场运行最低标准制定与实施准则》


4.修改了近进速度分类,分为PANS OPS和TERPS






去掉了可用机场和合适机场的概念,代之以合适机场和延程飞行备件机场(Adequate Airport 和 ETOPS Alternate Airport 定义见《FAA AC-120-42B》)。



原文《FAA AC-120-42B》为:

Adequate Airport. An airport that an airplane operator may list with approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) because that airport meets the landing limitations of part 121, § 121.197 and is either, an airport that meets the requirements of 14 CFR part 139 subpart D, excluding those that apply to aircraft rescue and firefighting service, or a military airport that is active and operational. Airports without specific part 139 approval (i.e., outside FAA jurisdiction), may be considered adequate provided that they are determined to meet the equivalent standards and intent of part 139 subpart D.


c. Dispatch.
(4) Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (RFFS).
(a) The following minimum International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) RFFS categories must be available at each airport listed as an ETOPS Alternate Airport in a dispatch or flight release:
1. ETOPS Up to 180 Minutes. ETOPS alternates with ICAO Category 4. (直到180分钟,ETOPS Alternate Airport要求最低4类,全文就这一个地方说到消防等级)

因此只需要ETOPS Alternate Airport满足这个要求,对Adequate Airport没有这要求。(对180分钟以上的延程飞行,Adequate Airport就有消防4的要求了)


10.延程飞行备件机场天气标准。运行前:从最早到最晚的可能着陆时间,相应的天气报告或预报,或者两者的组合表明,该机场的天气条件等于或者高于合格证持有人运行规范中规定的延程运行备降机场的最低天气标准(和目的地备件场计算标准相同)。起飞后:每一个延程运行备降机场的天气条件就应当达到本规则第121.724 条(a)款的要求(落地标准)。

11.临界燃油,不用考虑复飞了。内容太多,背不出来,见CCAR 121-R4 第121.726 条  航路运行阶段燃油供应。





第 91.1311条 昼间运行
(a) 超轻型飞行器只允许在日出至日落之间运行。
(b) 如果超轻型飞行器装有工作良好的防撞灯,且至少在 5 公里可见,仍可在公布的日出时间前30 分钟和公布的日落时间后 30 分钟的黎明和黄昏运行该飞行器。


│5 │昼间 │(自日出至日没之间)
│4 │夜间 │晨昏蒙影间
│3 │夜间 │在昏蒙影以外的期间
注 2: 处在晨昏蒙影(夜间从日出前约30分钟至日出和从日没至日没后约30分钟的时间)…….


日间运行: 是指从起飞到落地是在日出前 30 分钟和日落后30 分钟之间进行的任何飞行。


第七节  夜间飞行:第六十三条  夜间起飞至少要打开跑道边灯或中线灯和跑道端灯。夜间起飞和着陆的最低标准与各机场跑道公布的运行最低标准相同。

表  10 灯光系统故障或降级对着陆最低标准的影响


33-08 着陆灯
May be inoperative for day operations




Braking Action Reports And Runway Friction Reports

4-3-8. Braking Action Reports and Advisories

a. When available, ATC furnishes pilots the quality of braking action received from pilots or airport management. The quality of braking action is described by the terms “good,” “fair,” “poor,” and “nil,” or a combination of these terms. When pilots report the quality of braking action by using the terms noted above, they should use descriptive terms that are easily understood, such as, “braking action poor the first/last half of the runway,” together with the particular type of aircraft.

b. For NOTAM purposes, braking action reports are classified according to the most critical term (“fair,” “poor,” or “nil”) used and issued as a NOTAM(D).

c. When tower controllers have received runway braking action reports which include the terms poor or nil, or whenever weather conditions are conducive to deteriorating or rapidly changing runway braking conditions, the tower will include on the ATIS broadcast the statement, “BRAKING ACTION ADVISORIES ARE IN EFFECT.”

d. During the time that braking action advisories are in effect, ATC will issue the latest braking action report for the runway in use to each arriving and departing aircraft. Pilots should be prepared for deteriorating braking conditions and should request current runway condition information if not volunteered by controllers. Pilots should also be prepared to provide a descriptive runway condition report to controllers after landing.

刹车效应报告由“好中差”和“无”构成。由飞行员报告,主观感觉差异较大。当刹车效应报告不佳,或有影响刹车效应的情况出现时,管制员要在ATIS中报 “BRAKING ACTION ADVISORIES ARE IN EFFECT.”

4-3-9. Runway Friction Reports and Advisories

a. Friction is defined as the ratio of the tangential force needed to maintain uniform relative motion between two contacting surfaces (aircraft tires to the pavement surface) to the perpendicular force holding them in contact (distributed aircraft weight to the aircraft tire area). Simply stated, friction quantifies slipperiness of pavement surfaces.

b. The greek letter MU (pronounced “myew”), is used to designate a friction value representing runway surface conditions.

c. MU (friction) values range from 0 to 100 where zero is the lowest friction value and 100 is the maximum friction value obtainable. For frozen contaminants on runway surfaces, a MU value of 40 or less is the level when the aircraft braking performance starts to deteriorate and directional control begins to be less responsive. The lower the MU value, the less effective braking performance becomes and the more difficult directional control becomes.

d. At airports with friction measuring devices, airport management should conduct friction measurements on runways covered with compacted snow and/or ice.

1. Numerical readings may be obtained by using any FAA approved friction measuring device. As these devices do not provide equal numerical readings on contaminated surfaces, it is necessary to designate the type of friction measuring device used.

2. When the MU value for any one-third zone of an active runway is 40 or less, a report should be given to ATC by airport management for dissemination to pilots. The report will identify the runway, the time of measurement, the type of friction measuring device used, MU values for each zone, and the contaminant conditions, e.g., wet snow, dry snow, slush, deicing chemicals, etc. Measurements for each one-third zone will be given in the direction of takeoff and landing on the runway. A report should also be given when MU values rise above 40 in all zones of a runway previously reporting a MU below 40.

3. Airport management should initiate a NOTAM(D) when the friction measuring device is out of service.

e. When MU reports are provided by airport management, the ATC facility providing approach control or local airport advisory will provide the report to any pilot upon request.

f. Pilots should use MU information with other knowledge including aircraft performance characteristics, type, and weight, previous experience, wind conditions, and aircraft tire type (i.e., bias ply vs. radial constructed) to determine runway suitability.

g. No correlation has been established between MU values and the descriptive terms “good,” “fair,” “poor,” and “nil” used in braking action reports.



Area Navigation (RNAV)

AIM 5-1-8 d. Area Navigation (RNAV)
1. Random RNAV routes can only be approved in a radar environment. Factors that will be considered by ATC in approving random RNAV routes include the capability to provide radar monitoring and compatibility with traffic volume and flow. ATC will radar monitor each flight, however, navigation on the random RNAV route is the responsibility of the pilot.
2. Pilots of aircraft equipped with approved area navigation equipment may file for RNAV routes throughout the National Airspace System and may be filed for in accordance with the following procedures………
(e) Define the random route by waypoints. File route description waypoints by using degree- distance fixes based on navigational aids which are appropriate for the altitude stratum.
3. Pilots of aircraft equipped with latitude/longitude coordinate navigation capability, independent of VOR/TACAN references, may file for random RNAV routes at and above FL 390 within the conterminous U.S. using the following procedures.

1.Random RNAV航路只在雷达监控的环境下执行。

2.对机载设备的要求。(e)航路上的点用degree-distance fixes based on navigational aids方法表示。(详见AC 20-138B)

3.在FL390以上飞行的Random RNAV必须要装备latitude/longitude导航能力,并不依赖VOR/TACAN


AIM 5-1-7. Composite Flight Plan (VFR/IFR Flights)
a. Flight plans which specify VFR operation for one portion of a flight, and IFR for another portion, will be accepted by the FSS at the point of departure. If VFR flight is conducted for the first portion of the flight, pilots should report their departure time to the FSS with whom the VFR/IFR flight plan was filed; and, subsequently, close the VFR portion and request ATC clearance from the FSS nearest the point at which change from VFR to IFR is proposed. Regardless of the type facility you are communicating with (FSS, center, or tower), it is the pilot’s responsibility to request that facility to “CLOSE VFR FLIGHT PLAN.” The pilot must remain in VFR weather conditions until operating in accordance with the IFR clearance.

b. When a flight plan indicates IFR for the first portion of flight and VFR for the latter portion, the pilot will normally be cleared to the point at which the change is proposed. After reporting over the clearance limit and not desiring further IFR clearance, the pilot should advise ATC to cancel the IFR portion of the flight plan. Then, the pilot should contact the nearest FSS to activate the VFR portion of the flight plan. If the pilot desires to continue the IFR flight plan beyond the clearance limit, the pilot should contact ATC at least 5 minutes prior to the clearance limit and request further IFR clearance. If the requested clearance is not received prior to reaching the clearance limit fix, the pilot will be expected to enter into a standard holding pattern on the radial or course to the fix unless a holding pattern for the clearance limit fix is depicted on a U.S. Government or commercially produced (meeting FAA requirements) low or high altitude enroute, area or STAR chart. In this case the pilot will hold according to the depicted pattern.

a. 先VFR后IFR的情况下,飞行员要求联系FSS告知起飞时间,然后再转换点联系要求关闭VFR并向ATC申请IFR。不管通过哪种途径,都是飞行员有责任要求关闭VFR。飞行员必须留在VFR的天气标准中,直到申请到IFR。

b. 先IFR后VFR的情况下,飞行员会被放行到转换点,飞行员联系ATC取消IFR部分计划,并联系最近的FSS启动VFR计划。如果飞行员想继续IFR飞行,则飞行员要在IFR结束前5分钟向ATC申请。如果申请没有得到回复则在最后一个点进入标准等待,或者这个点要求的等待方式。