§125.1 Applicability.
(a) ….this part prescribes rules governing the operations of U.S.-registered civil airplanes which have a seating configuration of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more when common carriage is not involved.
然后对于“common carriage is not involved ”的解释是§110.2
§110.2 Definitions
When common carriage is not involved or operations not involving common carriage means any of the following:
(1) Noncommon carriage.
(2) Operations in which persons or cargo are transported without compensation or hire.
(3) Operations not involving the transportation of persons or cargo.
(4) Private carriage.
所以,125部的运行有点像大型私人飞机,飞行只运行自己的雇员,这种服务不对大众(general public)开放。比如大型企业在各大工厂之间运送员工。所以波音向舟山的调机,就只能算成波音自己的飞机,不能承运别的公司的人,也不能载运别人的货物。
