


METAR的定义是由World Meteorological Organization 和 International Civil Aviation Organization 一同制定的,主要文件是WMO Technical Regulation No. 49, Vol II和ICAO Annex III。当我想要找WMO的文件时,发现他的文档都是要收费的。目前我能下载到的是ICAO的Annex 3 第16版 ->

在METAR的最后出现NOSIG,其实是一种趋势预报(Trend forecast),除了NOSIG之外,还可以用BECOME或FM/TL之类。NOSIG的有效时间其实就是趋势预报的有效时间。在附件3的6.3.3说到:
A trend forecast shall consist of a concise statement of the expected significant changes in the meteorological conditions at that aerodrome to be appended to a local routine or local special report, or a METAR or SPECI. The period of validity of a trend forecast shall be 2 hours from the time of the report which forms part of the landing forecast.
